Get to know Paul Delay from FrenchTwinks in this weeks new interview here at SmackyGirl`s Blog. Paul was a very chatty and a open guy that it was great interviewing and getting to know more about. We even share some similar interest in things.. I was blushing a little under the interview when Paul turned out to be so outspoken.. You will find out more about that very soon.
You can also find out how you can talk with him, and follow him personally online yourself by reading this interview. I hope you will like getting to know Paul.. Enjoy..
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How did you begin working as a model in the Adult Entertainment Industry?
Well it all started the day I got laid with a hot guy living next to my place. After we screwed I asked him what he was doing for a living and he answered he was in porn. I was actually meeting Doryann Marguet. He showed me some of his scenes and how he was dealing with that in his life. I confessed I could be interested, then he talked about French Twinks and the way they treated their models. I contacted Antoine the next day. He called me back, warned me about how porn could affect my personal life and wanted me to be aware of what I was doing. Got some fears but after a few days thinking I agreed joining the next filming. But then I met my Antoine, Max and all my Twinks.
Did it effect your personal life?
Yep. A lot. Few are those who know what I am doing, and it kinda created a gap between me and my people. So that’s the hardest part I think. But the good thing is, it helped me getting through a hard break up with a guy I was having a relationship with for 7 months. I started to do something with my life, met incredible people I now call friends, brothers, soul mates… And I realize I have never been that happy with men than now. I don’t have a boyfriend, but I never felt as surrounded by people as I am now. It really opened my eyes on happiness and I am so thankful for that!
Do you get more confident doing porn?
Not necessarily. I am not the most confident person in the world. This might actually be the problem of my life, and when I accepted doing porn, I knew I was gonna put a bomb in that big dark room. You put a photo of your ass on Twitter, the world sees it, and when you wake up the next morning you’re naked like you’ve never been before. At that moment I exposed myself to my monsters, I can receive the most moving compliments as I can get insulted and humiliated like the last shit whore on earth. Happily I am way more confronted to nice comments than rude ones but it happens and it makes me feel like this lonely ugly kid at school and I hate that. Nice comments help me getting more confident of course and I thank all these people so much!

How did it feel seeing a porn studio and how a shoot was made for the first time? Did you have any expectation about how it was before you saw how it was?
Well… I could not imagine how many times we cut a scene when shooting! I mean I thought actors learned a script to follow and then they were filmed from beginning to end and it was more natural and closer to casual sex… My first scene with Chris Loan was really intimidating, I was more thinking about how I was looking than how deep he was getting! Lol
How do you prepare for the shoots?
Singing in the shower. During last shoot I performed “Work” by Rihanna so many times it get stuck in everyone’s head in French Twinks’ house. Or Miley Cyrus. She helps me getting a nasty behavior
What models have you worked with? Tell us how it was to work with some of them?
I told you about my very first scene with the amazing Chris Loan, the next day I was shooting with his sexy boyfriend Baptiste Garcia. I didn`t really have the chance to share a lot with both of them but they seem to be really cool guys. Baptiste made me laugh so hard when we desperately tried to fuck on the hood of my car (who’s actually supposed to be his car in the scene but anyway). The lubricant made it impossible for me to stay on that hood and Baptiste had to keep his balance not to fall from the platform he was on to reach me…
All of my scenes remain great memories with the other models.

How is it to model for Antoine Lebel and French Twinks?
Antoine is like an older brother. It is first kinda weird to hear him tell you what to do when shooting: “put his dick there, do that with your tongue…” but you get used to it, and we need his directing since he his the outside view. With Antoine we sit and plan the shootings according to each of the twinks’ schedule, affinities, and we share our ideas, fantasies… We’re never forced to do anything we don’t want and Antoine is doing his best to satisfy everyone. I really love joining Antoine, Max and the Twinks for a few days of shooting cause I know it will be a great time.
What would be your dream shoot?
I actually have 2 I’m thinking of: I talked about the 1st one on the French Twinks online chat, 4 bottom twinks fuck Chris Loan as a revenge for all the times Chris savagely drilled our sweet holes 😋 and I would come last, with Chris wide open and laughing at my very average penis size, saying I can’t do nothing for him, and I reply something like “don’t worry I didn’t come empty-handed” before putting a huge penis extension to get him squeal 😂
The second dream shoot I have is with Babby (Abel) and Smarty (Alexis), both fisting me. Damn they’re in my sexxx dreamzzz!
What turns you on and what doesn`t?
When I feel dominated. When a guy pulls my hair that makes me crazy 😍 I also recently learned I was excited by wearing sox on with boots and a jockstrap…
But a guy who would be too rough or too violent would not excite me. Smells don’t turn me on either 😷
Strangely, smoking pot turns me on so baaaaad!
A real scorpion on fire after a joint

Haha really, how come?
Dunno. But that shit is turning myself into the latest slut in the neighborhood
What is the best thing about being a model?
The best thing that has happened to me when becoming a model is all the people I’ve met ever since. I feel like I found the brothers I’ve always dreamed having! You can wish me success, money, awards, I would be glad to know all that in the future but I wouldn’t be happy if I couldn’t share it with my baby Twinks.
Have you talked to any other people that have seen your shoots?
Yeah, many people come to me and say they love my scenes. That is so heartwarming and helps me getting more confident about my own image. Last week when I was in Lyon for a pornshow, co-animated with Doryann, one guy showed up and told me he was a fan of what I did and told me I had to stay the same and not to change a thing. He put that huge idiot smile on my face for the rest of the night. 😅

Tell me about yourself. How old are you and where do you come from?
I just turned 19 and live in Paris with my parents for ten years now. Grew up in eastern countryside. I feel lucky to live in Paris and wouldn’t change for any other city.
What do you do when you are not working? How do you like to relax and have fun?
I like going out with my friends in Paris, doing shopping, having a drink, and I also like to spend time alone in my room singing, watching series (Tivoli lent me the complete Queer As Folk DVDs so I’m replaying all from the beginning)… I also spend a lot a time on those gay hook up app, I gotta admit 😅 I think I’m getting addicted to those… Last night again I met a very hot and very… gifted guy, living next door.
What do you with mean gifted?
I mean I felt his 8 inch veeeery well.

So I guess it suits after that to ask if you are single or in a relationship?
I am single and happier than ever that way. 🙂 I’ve always wanted to be in a relationship, looked for a boyfriend for quite a long time, and after being in a relationship 2 times, I realize now I am happier surrounded by friends. I can’t say tomorrow I won’t find the love of my life cuz you can’t avoid it when it strikes, but I just don’t feel in the mood for love lately…
Have you ever been with a girl?
Omg no. I had a “girlfriend” when I was like 6… And then I turned out gay and she turned out lesbian… So I guess we were made to be together in a way lol
But I’ve never did anything or tried anything with a girl. And I just don’t feel attracted to girls in a sexual way, at all. I can find a girl sexy, but I would be so embarrassed if I had to attempt anything sexual with a girl…
You said you like to sing. What songs do you sing?
Lately been obsessed with Perfect Illusion by Lady Gaga.
I’m also a newly fan of Miley Cyrus, love her new album Miley Cyrus and her Dead Petz.
And eternal huge fan of the Spice Girls. So that’s basically what I’m listening to the most, and signing the most. I know that’s really gay but… I can’t help!

Which Spice Girl is your favorite?
Any particular reason why you like her?
She was all about peace, sex equalizeres, and was so sexy and so powerful. And her vocals was my favorite part of the songs.
She was sparking like a jewel.
What is your favorite candy?
Chocolate bears

What do you like to watch on tv?
I don’t often watch tv actually. I like watching Koh Lanta and Grey’s Anatomy, loved Desperate Housewives when it was still aired.
Do you live a healthy life? What’s in your refrigerator?
I don’t do sports and smoke jointzzz every now and then. I guess it’s not the healthiest lifestyle but I’m not using any other drug and do drink alcohol often either.
In my refrigerator there’s a pack of Nesquick Yogurts and pizzas. Okay u got me I’m definitely unhealthy lol
How can people follow and talk with you online?
I’m mostly on Twitter (@PaulDelayXXX) and Facebook (Paul Delay 🍼), I also have an Instagram account (@milkymilkypaul). I love sharing what I do with people, Twitter allows me to share whatever I want, even the most explicit things, so if you’re under 18 I encourage you to follow me through Facebook or Instagram which are more implicit. I have to be honest, I don’t reply to everyone online, I have a lot of people writing me and most of them just wanna get laid. I’m flattered but… lol But when I see nice messages I usually take time to reply and then can start a conversation. So basically if you wanna talk, please don’t start saying “hey babe I want ur ass” 😅. Be thoughtful! Lol I think I’ll take one night soon to answer calls from whoever wanna give me a call. Would be an HOT line, could be fun.
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