Its been a few months since I have done any interviews. But it was nice to start one with Mattèo Lavigne because he was a sweet heart to interview. Mattèo speaks about how he became a model, and how it was for him the first time shooting porn, and he tells us what he does when he is not working. He seems like a very clever guy.. Find out more and how to follow him personally online by reading this interview..
If you want to model for French-Twinks visit this link:
Also visit their Website to find more of Mattèo and other hot models
How did you feel after you had your first porn shoot??
All was great so I’ve to admit that was I proud of myself for having ignored the cameras
I was at ease thanks to Baptiste. So I was really satisfied!
How was it walking around a porn studio for the first time? What surprised you?
Nothing really surprised me because I talked a lot with Antoine and Abel before coming for the first time
I was well psychologically prepared!
Are you nervous before a shoot?
No I don’t really get nervous I do porno for pleasure so I try to be as relax as possible
I stressed for my first scene as top because it was almost my first time as top of my life
Tell me how it is working with French Twinks and their models?
My relation with other model is totally great! I’m in very good terms with everyone. I really hope it will continue on this way! I almost consider Antoine like a subtle mix between a grand brother and an other father. Everybody’s really nice and Antoine and Max are taking real good care of each of us
Which shoot did you like doing the most?
People often ask me that… and it’s really difficult to answer because I’ve made up to 5 scenes with FrenchTwinks, but 5 really different scenes. Each time it was a real pleasure to shoot without pressure.
Despite the precision asked by the question, I’ll talk a little bit about my 5 scenes. (I can’t answer in any other way)
• My scenes with Baptiste and Abel were in a bedroom. Baptiste and Abel are really good actors and I’ve a particularly good relation with them so it was full of complicity.
• The bukkake was really funny to shoot because of the mosquitoes’ bites, so I really liked to shoot it.
• With Chris: The introduction was really funny doing outdoor! It was more complicated than other scenes I’ve made but still great! Chris is amazing. We were cold but all were fine!
• As I said, my scene with Paul is special. I have never really been top much before. At the beginning, because the scene was meant to be a double soft, but I decided to try a normal scene, despite of my stress and fear to not achieve it… Finally, by seeing the final video, I’m proud of myself.
Do you have a limit? What fetishes doesn’t turn you on and what does?
Starting from the principle that I think I wanna try the maximum of sex things during my youth, I think the only thing I’d refuse to do is scato. I would do anything in front of the cameras of FrenchTwinks except that. However I’d need a partner I know very very well to do the most special fetishes.
(I think that Antoine would be surprised by that.. I suspect him to think that I’m wiser than I really am…)
French Twinks uses protection in all their shoots. Was that important for you to have a job like that?
Yes it’s an important point for me. It’s something that motivate me.
Would you shoot porn without using protection?
No I don’t think… I really am a stickler for it..
I was wondering about your model name and how you came up with it. Some celebrities have Lavigne as their last name. did someone inspire you to pick that name?
Lavigne has been taken randomly…
Antoine has a name list, I have read all the names and Antoine said that Lavigne would be fine. We already knew that Matteo had been chosen.
Tell me about who you are. How old you are and where do you come from?
What do you do when you are not working as a model?
I’m 19 years old and I leave in Perpignan like Baptiste, but I was born in Besançon, like Baptiste to if I remember, near Swiss. I’m student in university in third year of physics and chemistry.
Sounds like advanced studies. What do you want to be when you graduate?
I’ll try to do a bilingual French and German master (Bac+5) in polymers chemistry, and why not a PhD?? If I achieve this project, I’ll estimate that I’d have make my life a success for this part of my life. It would be really wonderful for me… I’d like to become a professor and researcher
Why in German? Do you speak any other languages?
Because I really like to learn this language and German is really important in science.
I speak English as I can, because I had bad teachers… and I try to learn Russian as autodidact
What do you do when you are not studying or working?
I practice badminton twice a week since 10 years in a little sportive association. I also spend time with friends
Are you single or in a relationship?
I’m in a recent relationship
Are you bisexual or gay?
I think that I’m totally gay. I really like girls, I’m immediately friend with lots of girls. I think that women are really fabulous so, weirdly, I can’t have sex with girls… as I’m a friend for girls I’d find really strange to have sex with my friends or best friends
If you could make a shoot with anyone else in the world like a celebrity or something who would you like it to be?
You’ll say that I’m a killjoy but I try to not fantasize on too famous people ^^
However maybe I can hope to have to shoot a scene with foreign actors… so I’ve to admit that I find Johnny Rapid is very cute and good actor
What movies and Tv programs do you like to watch? And what about music?
I don’t watch series… yes I am an alien I watch almost all kind of movies except western movies. I don’t adore horror movies but if friends or my boyfriend wanna watch some, I’ll watch with them…
What is your favorite food?
I like too much different foods to determine which is my favorite….
It depends on the context I think…
I’m a gourmet..
Food is a too large subject to stop ourselves on only one meal
What music do you like?
I listen lots of type of music
I really dislike rap, metal
I listen R n B, pop, electro,..
How can people follow and speak with you online?
Facebook: Matteo Lavigne
Twitter: @mateolavigneftx
Snapchat: matteolavigneft
(Prefer Facebook and twitter)
When is your birthday?
8th of august
Who was the last person you kissed?
Alexis Tivoli after a party lol just to say goodbye ^^
(I was single)
Was he a good kisser?
It was a quick kiss, and I was drunk, but I’ll say yes
What makes you happy and what makes you upset?
I’m happy when people around me are happy too. Spending time with my friends and go on shooting sessions with FrenchTwinks make me happy
I’m rarely upset because I advocate the happiness!
However injustice can make me in really bad mood
Do you work out and live a healthy life?
I don’t work out but I think my life is healthy
What is in your refrigerator right now?
Almost nothing because I’m just back home, I was in holidays lol
Where did you go on a holiday?
I went in several town, like Paris, Nice, Bayonne, Lyon, Besançon,..
It was really awesome summer holidays this year
Had you heard about before this interview?
Yes I already read Abel’s interview
Thank You For The Interview
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