Today over 5000 demonstrators against having wolfs in Norway traveled all the way to the capitol of Norway Oslo to protest against the governments choice to save more wolf than the arguing part wants to have living wild in Norway. They want 3 more wolves to be killed in order to save more household farm animals from being eaten by wolfs, when they are out in the wild during spring/summer time in Norwegian hills, fields, woods and mountains. The wolf will become an endangered animal and be listed on the red list in Norway, if these people who are against it gets what they want. Last year 30 wolves was shot and killed in Norway. A few years back they even hunted these animals down with a helicopter and shot them from the helicopter. This is animal cruelty and I can`t imagine what horror and stress they have put the animals through chasing it down and shooting them down from a helicopter. Help us stop this massacre! We can mobilize more than 5000 people who have a huge love and dedication towards helping animals in need.
The wolf have lived in Europe for over 500.000 years at least. These creatures have just as much right to be here as we have. In the old days when the farms let their house hold animals out on summer fields and up in the mountains, they put out guards to watch for predators and thieves. This needs to be introduced again because we can`t forget to take care of the house hold pets either.. But we can`t just let the sheep out thinking your animal will be okey and fine on their own if they are inside a wolfs territory. With no fences or a Sheppard or any type security around a flock of pets, for a wolf or a pack of wolves it is going to be hard to resist the animals natural basic instincts, which is to find food when the food is standing right next to it unprotected. Without the farms taking security precautions over their flock or herd of house hold animals, it wont stand a chance against a hungry wolf. But that is not the wolves fault. It is us the humans moving to close to the wild life habitat, and serving the wolves fast food by letting our farm animals out in the wild.. Humans take up more and more space on this planet. We need to learn how to share it with wild life nature and let these animals live their natural life.
These wolfs living in Norway are not many, they are very few. And they can survive in maybe up to minus 20 to 40 Celsius degrees in the long Norwegian winters here, that can last for up to 8 to 9 months. Finding food can be so hard for wildlife. House hold animals cannot survive on their own out in the wild because they don`t know how to. That it is why its important not to abandon them to take care of themselves in the wild life when they are not taught how to survive in the wild. You would not leave your kids in the woods alone, so why would farms leave their pets alone in the same place unprotected. I definitely don`t want to be a part of supporting those who want to kill more wolfs in Norway. And I fight for animals rights and always will.
We humans are expanding and taking up more and more room on this planet every day. And it gets less and less space for wild life animals to live in there natural habitat using basic survival instincts. You humans get your food delivered warm from your local shop or from a drive in at MacDonald’s, or as a delivery from Domino`s, Coop and Walmart in less than one hour. And your bellies would be full. But these animals struggle everyday to find food while humans are consuming more and more meat and specially red meat everyday. We need to have less house hold pets and eat more plant based food.
Some animals that has been on endangered lists have already gone instinct around the world because humans haven`t done a good job protecting everyone and everything breathing and growing on this planet. The animal kingdom and the nature on this planet has fallen in the hands of the wrong people who only want to harm it or empty it for all creatures they don`t like to share it with.
I am totally against killing more wolves in Norway and I am not one of them walking that parade outside Stortinget today.. But I hope there are more who feel like me out there, who love all animals equally that are willing to fight for the wolves in Norway to be protected and left alone and to live…
((From NOAH`s Facebook Page))
NOAH works for the rights of all animals – including the endangered animal’s right to exist. The state decided in December 2018, for the first time to allow the shooting of critically endangered wolves in the wolf zone, and has taken into account the individual’s aversion to wolves weighing heavier than the population’s right to natural diversity according to section 112 of the Constitution, and Norway’s obligations to safeguard a viable wolf population after Berne Convention. The decision is based on the authorities setting a maximum target on the number of wolves in Norway, which means that the wolf will remain critically threatened on the Norwegian Red List. The decision undermines the protection of all endangered animals, and NOAH therefore has to go to court against the state. Litigation costs money, and we hope that anyone who is concerned about endangered animals’ protection and respect for nature will support NOAH in our attempt to save the wolves within the wolves zone – and increase the threatened animal protection.
(How Donate in Norwegian)
Hvis du vil hjelpe til å redde den sterk trua ulvestammen i Norge og du stemme for at vi også skal ha et mangfold i den Norske naturen og ta vare på hver å en unik skapning som vi dele vakre Norge sammen med, så kan du doner ved sende VIPPS til NOAH gift 17420″ Eller besøk siden deres på Facebook ..
Tusen TAKK til alle som ULE sammen med ulven!
Thank you to everyone who HOWLS with the wolf!
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