SmackyGirl was invited to come a long and be assistant in making a porn shoot in the Mediterranean sea with a French gay porn studio, and to also get to look behind the scenes on how porn is made on a boat trip together with the French-Twinks Studio`s on the French Riviera when they were making their next gay porn shoot “Sea, sex and Sun” last week during my holiday in Nice..
On board the boat with us was Antoine Lebel the owner and director at French-Twinks Studio, his assistants Max Riviera and Capitano Yannick driving the boat. And of course the models that was going to shoot for Antoines studio that day on the boat; Skipper Paul Delay, Captain Doryann Marguet and Erwan Lamour. You can watch the full version of the hot 3 some the boys had with me on board by clicking here: Sea, sex and Sun

(Image ยฉ French-Twinks Studio`s, Doryann Marguet and Paul Delay)
(Image ยฉ French-Twinks Studio`s, Erwan Lamour and Paul)
This was my first time being invited along to follow a porn producer and director in his work. First me and the guys was let out of the car at a big French supermarket on our way to the boat. We had to get something to eat and drink on the boat. Max filled the basket with refreshing drinks, wine, food, fruits, lots of candy and snacks because we had plans to be on the sea all day so we needed some refreshments with us. Antoine and of course Max who is shopping with us always make sure the guys are fed and have lots to drink during their shooting. And they take lots of breaks along the way during the shooting as it was a hot day on the boat and little windy too. So there had to be a few breaks a long the way. Sometimes to just eat and cool down swimming in the sea from the hot sun, and sometimes to wait for the sea to calm down so that Antoine could get the best captures in a calm sea. I was afraid I was going to get sea sick along the way, but I did good all though it was hard a few times when we got big waves from other boats, other than that the sea was calm and the sky clear, and perfect light for Antoine to make this shoot.

(Max, me and the guys went shopping for refreshments before going to the boat)

(Max checking out our ride for the day, Max knows lots about boats)

Captain Yannick
And were off sailing. Here is Captain Doryann and Erwan on board
Beautiful scenery of the French Riviera
Our boat expert from St.Tropez Max Riviera I was really impressed by his boat knowledge
Antoine having a little pep talk before the shooting begings
Erwan`s photoshoot in the water
Big smile for SmackyGirl
Chilling and chatting and enjoying the perfect day for a boat trip with Paul Delay and Doryann Marguet.
They say its bad luck to have a lady on a boat. That doesn`t apply to SmackyGirl of course ๐
Aaaaand ACTION! Doryann and Paul getting started
Pants are coming off quickly
Antoine and Yannick setting up the drone. They use these often when they film porn
Testing the camera drone but it was a little windy and we didn`t want to lose it in the ocean as it was not waterproof.
And back in action again with Paul and Doryann
Is it bad that I think the camera assistant is the most sexy? haha here is Max Riviera as assisting cameraman
Ah the beauty of France <3
Checking out the hot camera man again ๐
Me and Antoine capturing the surroundings
And actions again!
Doryann, Paul and Erwan getting it on
Of course while SmackyGirl had a little nap the guys were being very naughty
I was worried the guys would be shy now that there was a woman around on the set with them, but we all have had a very lovely time and experience together. We bonded a little bit more on that boat trip and future plans were made for me to work with these guys .
The guys always make sure everyone is happy and smiling during their work. Antoine has had many “pep” talks along the way with the guys before, during and after the shooting, while I spent 4 days with them in Nice and on a boat. And they all gave him 100% attention when he does these little instructions. I love how comfortable and safe these young models seem to be around him when they are working with him. All though I can`t understand much French words, understanding body language is not difficult. I can see these guys working with Antoine look up to him and they take good lesson of his advice’s. They are just as 100% comfortable working around him as I am being a guest in his company for these 4 days.

(Capturing some of the beautiful French landscape with Antoine)
Paul and Doryann are such a sweet couple in real love. I constantly saw them cuddling and showing their love on the boat, both on and off the set. But it also made me wonder if it must spike up their real sex life having a job like that on the side. Maybe some people are so in love that they become super stars in bed too and want to show it to the world? Well there is a lot of love in those two coming from Doryann and Paul. I love those two guys they are so sweet to each other during the breaks as well <3 I have been invited to Paris to met these boys. I said yes off course one day I will come and visit you. And, so I hope they will show me around Paris when I do, I said to Paul I want to see the catacombs and the famous shopping streets Champs-รlysรฉes. So now they know where to take me when I arrive Paris some day… Paul I love you curls. And Doryann, sorry I had been on a very naughty fishing trip around the boat and found out someone was single and straight on board ๐ haha

(Doryann and Paul having a break between the shooting, so much love in the air on this boat)
I mostly sat in the back of the boat, but I could view the whole shoot going on in front of me on the front deck of the boat the whole time. But I was trying to give the boys time and space to work in peace and quiet. I am a lady after all. So I went to try get a tan and I managed to fall a sleep doing that while the first part of the shoot was being made. So the guys could have their naughty time. And when I woke up I saw Erwan Lamour walking up from the boat cabin downstairs, butt naked saying “Good Afternoon Lady” with the naughtiest little sexy smile on his face. And I was like “hello” *blushing* back to him, because I just woke up from my nap and my hair probably looked awful. haha.
The models working on the set were very sweet but also so very professional in their job. I had no idea it took so long to make a porn shoot. But I was glad it did because we got to see the most beautiful sun Set over Nice and France on our way back to land.

I got to witness a little bit more of the second part of the shooting I was awake for that. And I got very curious a few times specially when I heard Erwan moaning loudly in pleasure. My sunglasses fell a bit further down on my nose to have a look at what was going on over there. I asked him and the others right after we finished if they had a good time, and I heard some say oh yes we did.. So the naughty guys had little 3 some while I was tanning in the back of the boat. I think they had a good time from what I could hear … haha

(Image ยฉ Paul Delay)
I also got to see so much more of the beautiful French Riviera on this boat trip that Antoine had planned to take me a on. It was an excellent idea for me to see as much of Nice as I could on my short stay. And I am so glad I got to spend all these days with Antoine Lebel and the guys at the French-Twinks Studio cruising the French riviera in a fancy speed boat..
The guys jumped in the sea all the time butt naked. And I can tell you, Captain Doryann Marguet he is not a shy man at all, he was a nudist for most of the time he was around me..

(Antoine told me that this is a old prison. If you have seen the movie “The Man with the Iron Mask” with Leonardo Di Caprio. You might know the story about a man who sat was imprisoned there, who was said to have had an iron mask covering his whole face. I have heard some say this was the King of France own twin brother that he had imprisoned. But no one really know who this person really was and there are many theories who this man could of been. We passed this prison cruising around on the boat. I am interested in history so I was excited to see that.)

We parked our boat that night at a private beach near Monaco that a friend of Antoine and Yannick had and went to a five star restaurant just right next where we put our boat. That restaurant was the most exclusive and expensive restaurant I have ever had dinner in. I was just expecting Madonna or Lady Gaga or something to just walk by any minute. I have never eaten in such a fancy restaurant before. The food was gorgeous, and the staff there too was very entertaining. Visit this restaurant if you are ever nearby it, Beaulieu-sur-Mer

(Image ยฉ Yannick)
I had an excellent day on the boat, and got a lift safely back to my hotel again. The boys went back to the boat the next day to shoot a gang bang shoot. And I went on shopping in Nice on my own. Which I loved and will show for my next post.. Also I met Antoine and the guys again for dinner in the evening. I got to hear about the second day on the boat when the police came.
That`s for future posts, thank you so much Antoine and everyone I had such a fun boat trip. I really loved it
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