We have been looking for strippers lately. You know my birthday is coming up right? Jay`s mum just tagged me in this on Facebook, and now we are wondering if anyone can scream loud enough so we can get them to the UK and do a show. Cause me and mum in law will get up on that stage and help them get the clothes of quicker. That would be a well cool girls night out for us, we really need it!
I want to go see Magic Men now
Facebook: Magic Men
Instagram: @magicmenlive
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Truly obsessed with this TV-Show along with Game of Thrones. I must recommend it. It`s brilliant! You have 3 seasons to catch up on till the new one starts in a month 18th of February. And here is the trailers for season 4
Thank you to the author and AnonHQ.com for sharing and being the source to this post I am inspired to share! To read the full article visit: http://anonhq.com
(From AnonHQ.com) Arab Spring activist Iyad El-Baghdadi, from the United Arab Emirates now based in Norway (and definitely not affiliated with ISIS), translated the recording and posted a series of tweets conveying ISIS’ message urging Muslims to rise together and defend the Islamic state.
And the answers other Muslims tweeted back on Twitter are from Muslims all around the world. And they are pretty hilarious.
We see in the media daily that many people are very hostile against Muslims and many thinks all Muslims are terrorists. I know that is not true, but many need to be convinced. So I wanted to share this video. About a man named Masih Akbari who is a Muslim from Trondheim, who wanted to find out how friendly or unfriendly we really are.
The video that was uploaded to YouTube 3rd Christmas day has already got over 20.000 views. And on 22nd of December 22 year old Masih recorded this video standing on one of the busiest streets in Trondheim blindfolded holding his arms out with a sign saying:
” I am a Muslim, but I am not a terrorist. Do you trust me? I trust you! “
In only 20 minutes over 40 people had given Masih a hug. He says to the local news paper (Source) that he was inspired to do this video after someone did a similar one right after the attack in Paris. He also says he is very proud of Trondheim and all the great people here. The video shows many people one after one gathering around him to give him a hug and the video has already gotten international press mentions all around the world. Masih has read many different opinions about what others think of Muslim from online, but in Trondheim he says he has only met people who are friendly towards kinds like himself. He says there are very little fear of people from other countries in Trondheim and I have never heard people here talk bad about Muslims.
What are your views? Would you give him a hug? Or would you judge him as a terrorist?
He says at the end of the video,
Thank you to everyone who came and gave me hug. Together we show that we are united.
It`s not that bad as the headline sounds. But it will make some clicks lol little sneaky. But I just wanted to complain about my flu again. Which is now getting worse. Today I woke up and found my chest is killing me. Specially very painful every time I gotta cough. I find myself ouching, holding my chest and curl up in pain to every cough I have to make. And it is unavoidable not to cough and try holding it when I got the flu. But it hurt so bad.. Thought it couldn`t be any worse with this flu, I think it is time for me to call the doctor as it seems I might need antibiotics.
I found this article on another blog (Source) And it is about a man who lives in Lithuania but he doesn`t speak any other languages than English. He receives a message on his Facebook from someone he doesn`t know who writes it in Lithuanian. So the man asks people near him to help him translate it. The look on their faces clearly states that this is a very hateful message, and many refuses to translate it and read it out to him . They tell him that this is a highly offending message and insulting.
You will see that many of these in the video are almost crying after reading it and look shocked and ashamed that someone who speaks their native tongue, and might be from that specific country can express such hateful statement to a man who bares another color then they do on his appearance. The only thing that I didn`t appreciate about this video is that the youngest of those he asks to help him translate, is someone who should not have been exposed for that sort of hateful behavior in that age. And that is simply because they are still in an age where they follow and adopt everything they are being taught and told by an adult.
Watch the video, share it and rise up against racism.
Did you know that Africans are considered to be one of the first humans to have walked the Earth? And it is in Africa that they have found one of the worlds oldest scientific proves about when humans started wandering the earth. That is something to think about when people express racism for those who are white and think they have monopoly to be on the Earth above everyone else.
If you didn`t know. Now you do! No matter what if they should one day find fossils and skeletons older then what they have discovered several samples of in Africa in any other country, no one has the right to say who has the right to be here more than others.
I have always had soft spot for studying history and also many other things. But that`s not the point in what I`m about to make a point about.
Knowing things before we express ourselves is the most valuable advantage anyone can have. It means that if you learn everything important there is to know before you speak it wont make you look unintelligent and uninformed before we open our mouths and speak things out loud. It gives you a big advantage to learn a thing or two before ending up being mentioned on a blog like this as an idiot who didn`t know any better. Because you didn`t but a lesson is taught and from there I hope people who feel the need for expressing such awful things to people uses their brain the right way before the catastrophe happens.
Feeding people knowledge is the only way these ugly views can be killed.
It is not a long time ago since people who where gay was thrown in to prison for being so and called a criminal. Now the law has changed and I am thankful for that! But many of these people who were criminalized have never received an apology. Neither has George Montague whom I met during my first Pride in Manchester 2 years ago and I also had the honor of interviewing this man for my blog. He is also the author of the book “The Oldest Gay in The Village”. A recommended book to read.
The witch hunt that the police lead against the Homosexuals in those days can nearly be compared with Hitlers treatment of the Jews. There is no way this can just pass by without George and other victims of it getting an apology from the days when they got arrested, got an criminal record and was named and shamed for just being gay!
George Montague turns 93 years old soon, and he is fit like a 20 year old man. He works out and keeps himself in tip top shape everyday by lifting weights and exercising. But a man at his very respectable age deserve to get an apology!
I wish to get more people engaged in this case and fight for these people who were arrested and convicted for gross indecency and called pedophiles to make the authorities come with an official apology to them.
For it is against the Homosexual the crime has been done not the other way around.
Yesterday many started decorating their profile picture with the pride colors. This is to celebrate we are in pride months. But I also think many have chosen to decorate their profile pictures with this because of the victory we witnessed in USA, where they legalized same sex gender marriage in all 50 states. SmackyGirl of course threw herself on this trend to show support to the community and my friends. And to celebrate with them
If you want to have your profile picture just like this all you have to do is follow this link.
By now my whole facebook is glittering in the rainbow colors. Its quite a lovely sight. I think this picture speaks for it self how Smacky sees her facebook today and many other with her. I see straight people both male and females, gay, bi and transgenders are all adding the rainbow effect to their pictures at the moment.
Keep it shining!
Now I had a look at what other known monuments around the globe are decorating themselves in the Rainbow colors to show support and celebrate we are in pride month.
And here is what I found
Niagara Falls
Cinderellas castle in Disney World
New York City One World Trade Center
New York
The White House – Washington DC
San Francisco City Hall
Minneapolis 35-W Bridge
St. Louis
San Diego – California
SFO’s new air traffic control tower in Rainbow colours
So here is something new to talk about. I wonder what you think of this song and music video. Is this the official pride theme song this year, or just a replacement for ” The Boy is a bottom?” Anyway this is Swedish made.
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