One of the main reasons why I started advertising HomoEmo back in the days when Ryan James and Sam Ebb created and owned it was because they used protection on their models in every shoot. They never seemed to back down on that even if it would sell better if the models did bareback..
Today we have many studios that I follow and advertise that do bareback shoots. These studios make loads on money doing that. But when I see how far some companies has come today I can`t help but wonder why these companies don`t say STOP and demand them to put a condom their models.
As the world is today and we are waking up to seeing that watching porn becomes more and more OKEY. I think it is going to be a race to start protecting their models and not become the last one and be considered a dirty studio for not doing so… It doesn`t matter how much it earns you not doing it. People are accepting that watching porn is okey but they want to see PROFESSIONAL porn not street porn where people are abused or without protection.. If you are going to feed the modern world porn viewers then make it our taste. Or are you only interested in pleasing the weirdos that eventually will be behind bars and can`t pay your bank account in a while?
The best long term audience will be those boring A4 audience who want to see healthy models who wants you to put a condom on your models. We don`t want to see models who do anything for money!
Of course I am thinking about for example the Grabby Award, Hustla Award or Prowler Porn Awards. Because what is the point of receiving an award if you have done nothing but putting your models in grave danger by shooting unprotected sex?
You guys have a lot of power. And before SmackyGirl can be completely happy with who you give out awards to I want to see you protect the models that will give you a grate income for years after their shoot, and consider peoples health first before anything else.
I know some say it is impossible to make money on none bareback scenes but to me that is only a reason if that is an option they are still allowed to do. Also I would like to say that it is the main reason I follow lately because Antoine Lebel uses condoms on his models.. I like that. A producer or director can be as naughty as they want to be and make hard core porn and for fill every wish that his costumer wants. But it takes a grate man to put protection on his models and say that he cares for his investments more then how his costumers wants to see them.
I can find it rude that SOME people don`t react or say thank you or show gratitude to the people who take their time to wish someone Happy Birthday on their birthday on Social Media. I mean if you get best wishes in person from someone you would say “Thank You” to whom ever does this. But on Facebook or other social media it seems it is OK for many to just ignore everyone who wishes you a good one no matter what if it is wished by one or by hundreds of people. I have wished some people over the years a Happy Birthday and some of those people got me no respond back showing gratitude. That has taught me that I can`t be asked doing that again the next time this person has their birthday.
Most of us are raised with manners from our parents about how to behave in person against other people. This should be transferred to how we interact and behave online since we spend more and more time on here..
All though I have done this to plenty of people who really show that they have good manners and thank people for their birthday greetings, I have also seen that some doesn`t do anything at all. So based on a 50-50 experience on this I would like to know what you do when it is your birthday and how you choose to deal with people that has taken their time to wish you a Happy Birthday.
Take the poll or comment what you think
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Would you bother to wish someone a Happy Birthday again the next year if they didn`t show you any gratitude?
You know people don`t need to take time of their busy day to wish you well on your day
This has caused international attention. But Norwegians are fuming over the media giving this man attention. If you are not enlighten yet then become it by clicking the link below. I am not here to enlighten you about a case that has such an enormous international attention. I am here to put my view and to support the majority of my fellow countrymen in this matter and express my own opinion about Anders Behring Breivik`s lawsuit against the state of Norway today for the inhuman treatment that he thinks he has received while he is in prison, where he claims that he is under torture and that it violates the human rights. Please follow the link to read more
He is a waste of space and if it was up us he would hang and burn. He has no right to say he is under torture in the prison. In fact he has a whole department to himself with several rooms for example a room where he can work out in his gym cell where he has modern electric gym equipment you would find in a fitness studio. He is also getting an education at the University in Oslo and he has taken several exams. He can also play the latest games on his PlayStation and X-box. And also watch movies or TV on a modern TV and DVD player. And he has over 30 guards watching over him every day including having access to newspapers, books and TV while he also has a laptop in his “office” room where he is allowed to write letters to media and anyone else he wants to write to. He has not suffered damage from the isolation or been under any torture. This is purely for him to get attention and spread his sick views in the media.
Norwegians are fuming at the media for giving him the attention he wanted today. I have never seen so many angry comments after VG, which is one of our biggest national newspaper decided to publish his stunt to Facebook and their web site. This court case was originally not planned to be covered by the media at all, but they got their way. And he also got the only thing he wanted too. The attention!
He even gave them a warning right after he entered the court room that he was going to do this, so that all the cameras would focus on him and his Hitler salute so they knew it was coming. But why VG decided to publish a picture like that is what is making Norwegians very angry and I suspect there will be coming a wave of upset people who will force the media to stop giving this man any more attention.
We are also many of us angry of how he presents himself in court. As he is in prison he should dress in a prison suit and not enter in what it looks like a very expensive new suit. He has shined himself up since the last time we saw him and have gone for the full nazi style by shaving his head as well. He presents himself in court as he think he is some sort of a king, leader or something to look up to in the way he behaves, dresses and reacts. He sits cold and unaffected hoping that will win respect and more followers to join his side.
He has killed 77 children and injured hundreds of people. He has no right to speak about how he is being treated badly in prison for being isolated. Please do go a head and let him out among the other inmates so we can get rid of this traitor ones and for all. I have stayed at 5 star hotels that have been in a worse state then his prison CELLS are. The survivors and the people who lost someone from the bomb in Oslo and the massacre at Utøya needs to be respected and the only concern for their well being by the media, and they should not ever have to see this mans face again after the horror he put them through.
This man is not exposed for any torture of any kind or have suffered damage from isolation. But we the tax payers suffer with the bill that we have to pay for all the high security and all the extra personnel he needed, and also the building of high security court rooms and his prison accommodations.
How long are we going to put up with this just because Norway is all about humane treatment of all?
The following days will be interesting to see what the Norwegians will do about this. because as it is now we are furious over the media giving this attention. And they seem completely cold and heartless concerning the victims who has to be exposed for this man ones more after he stood close to many of them a few years ago with a gun aiming at them and then shot them down one by one cold and heartless
He has no right to speak about how he is being treated in jail. There are prisoners out there who really want to become a better person and who wants to receive treatment while they sit in prison, but they get no help because Norway can`t afford it or don`t have the qualifications enough to help them. There are people who have been isolated in prison for much longer then he has and they usually only have one small jail cell to be in. He has several rooms to move about on. And the fact that he has over 30 prison guards that has to look after him tells me that he has not suffered any damaged due to isolation. Seeing that other inmates who are under the same as he is gets their food passed through a hatch in the door and doesn`t see people closer than that.
Lately more and more of Jay`s fans have started to wonder why Dakota is not answering them anymore and they begin to look around and eventually they find my posts and comments that he has passed away that I have put out there. Been comforting so many these last few days who has just found out that he is gone. Not sure I am any help but I try my best to comfort them. Many wants to know where he is buried so they can come pay their respect or send flowers. I know some of these people well, they were my first followers too when Dakota made this blog for me, so I feel like its my duty to comfort them and make sure they are ok when they find out their idol has passed away.
I know many will be terrible shocked, so if I can be at any help.
The nights can be long for me. I have struggled with sleeping for as long as I can remember. When you have had this struggle for such a long time as I have, you kinda some how manage to get used to knowing that not every night I am going to get any sleep. All though many times I can be very tired and it feels like I am going to sleep, but it still doesn`t happen no matter how hard I try or how tired I am.
I see a lot when I am on social media. I am not the most sociable of people on there. I rarely speak to anyone unless they speak to me first. I just lurk behind the curtains or sit on the fence as they say and read what you all are up to and what`s on your minds. Just like how Facebook asks so personal of us in that box before we write our statuses in it. What I see is some of you are online lighting green just as much as I am in the middle of the night. And I have also seen some post often that they can`t sleep either. I am not alone I see a lot of people are struggling with it.
I wanted to share some tricks I have picked up over the years which is listening to meditation music. I may not sit with my feet crossed, my hands folded out and hummm away in the proper way of doing meditation. But I put this music on, and lay on my couch, focusing on breathing and getting lost in the music and letting my thoughts run away from all that stress daily life can give us, and just fantasies away till something snaps me out of it. And when that happens, I notice that I actually let all my stress and anxiety go away with the music that carried me away to a very pleasant dream world that you would want to go back to. And the music I was listening to was the one thing that took me to that place. So I keep the music on and it helps me to bring me to my happy place.
Also some channels on YouTube have music specially designed for getting you to sleep only, and I use them a lot too. But with this CD that I wanted to show you now are more for the awake type of relaxing. Its a mind stealer to lure you away from what is taking over your thoughts, and help you find the inner peace, and on to good thoughts away from what is making you overthink.
I think this CD is the best buy I have done since me and Jay purchased our famous chakra DVD. Some of you might have seen him and I rave on about that a few times. Which his mum has passed on to me BTW so thank you for that my mum in law <3 I love you <3
But today I wanted to recommend this CD for the awake relaxing if your head is filled with the daily life stressy thoughts that wont get out of your head or stop bothering you. Putting this on is going to chase that away. Breath out, light some candles, maybe with a nice scent that can fill the room. I personally love the oil wax candles with raspberry smell, but all must choose their own favorite that suits their likings. Watch out when you blow out oil wax candles in little glasses, they get very warm and you don`t want burned fingers like I got the first time. Ouch!! But they give a whole different meaning to scent candles and fills the whole room with lovely aroma. Its real luxury candles made with love. Just don`t touch the glass and keep them out of reach from them little ones and pets.
I have several, but I think this CD is one of the most relaxing ones I have. I looked on YouTube to see if I could find a sample of it. I found one track which is a bit too little to justify how curing to my soul this record really is. But I understand the makers have to protect their brand too to earn some on it. So this is only a small taste of it. The original CD contains 7 tracks and lasts for 1 hour. But when you put this on repeat you won`t notice that it has started again because the songs are connected to each other. So you think you are still listening to new melodies when you in reality have just replayed it 3-4 times without noticing. Time flies when you are happily relaxed because time isn`t anything to worry about when you are happy. I am not sure how you can buy it because I got it of my local alternative shop in Norway. But if you Google “The Raven and The Moon Runestone CD” I am sure Amazon or E-bay has everything by now and you will find a copy there. Some things you actually got to do for yourself I`m not your servant 😛 I assume everyone are Google experts like I am and will find no problem finding this beautiful CD.
I think its important to give good feed back and some recommendations when someone makes something so good, and makes an impact on something so important as sleep and relaxing is to me in this case. The makers behind this CD has done a wonderful job and I can`t do anything else than highly recommend it to others.
Enjoy this little piece of it that I found on YouTube at least and try and find some inner peace and quiet. Stressing and letting things take over inside your head is never a good sign. It can lead to mental health problems and in some cases people get diagnosed with different diagnoses when their brains are over active. Specially when this only happens when people stop doing activities in the daytime such as house chores, school and work that keeps the brain occupied. When some of us lay down to relax that is when your brain start to think and resume the day. Some over do this and can`t shut down to go to sleep and many lay for hours thinking, twisting and turning in bed all night and not getting enough REM sleep that humans need. Some might need to ask a doctor about this because it can lay diagnoses behind it that you don`t know, and then you will of course get further guidance from your doctor of how to make it easier to live with this.. It is no shame in asking for help some times it is the only right thing to do for our own healths best interest.
So if you are one of those who over think things. It might be nothing.. But it can be ADHD, some sort of depression, post traumatic stress syndrome, personality disorders (there are many different under categories to the different ones. Both light and more severe ones. So don`t worry and panic, there is a HUGE difference between them.), or it can be traumatic incidences that has happened in your lives that makes it hard for you to function, relax or sleep.
But here is at least how I get through the stressful days. Also don`t forget to find music for sleeping on YouTube as I wouldn`t recommend this for that, its not a even rhythm but more to make your mind wander off and give a stress relief such as right after work, daytime or maybe you are studying to a big test at school. Then this might make it easier to work if you play it.
Now get comfy, deep breath, breath out, enjoy and relax
I have many relaxing meditation music to recommend for every situations and other things to help you relax. Feel free to follow me and chat with me on my twitter or Facebook which is always linked at the bottom of every post I publish. Or email me at
I think many of us have had this feeling at one point and maybe some have felt it even several times. You know when you have been out partying a weekend, and you have been having loads of fun ordering fancy drinks, laughing and dancing with your friends till the early morning and meting new faces to talk to by the bar waiting for the next order of drinks you just made. You had so much fun and been too tipsy to worry about the next morning after. But then comes the times when we have managed to get ourselves out of the bed the morning after. The moment when we are feeling alive enough to even start thinking about maybe perhaps it is time to check the bank balance and what we spent being out clubbing.
I know I have had a few times that this has taken several hours and sometimes days before I was brave enough to start that process. And many times when I have logged on I have thought to myself before I got that far that I thought I had it all counted out in my head what I used last night and what should be left on my account. But only to log on and find out that holy shit its 3 weeks till next payday and I`m broke. I can try to start thinking that my account had been hacked but that is just a wish for a miracle. Becaues YES! That is what we have managed to waste being out, and that hard truth gets smacked in your face brutally the moment we logged on to our bank..
I went out on Friday with my friend as I wrote about that in an earlier post. But since I am travelling to England tomorrow I knew I had to be careful, so checking my bank account wasn`t something I dared to do yesterday morning while my world was still spinning from the fun night out with my friend Alf. But today I had too. So after watching the whole Hobbit trilogy, half of The Fellowship of The Ring, made breakfast, burned my soup for lunch and done the dishes I felt brave enough to start checking if I even had anything left to get to the airport with the train. Which would be like 3 pounds haha.
The worst thing I can do is to start thinking upfront what I think I have spent and what I expect is going to be on my account the next time I log on. Because it is in those moments where I have been too certain about what I had is when I nearly have had a heart attack seeing my balance is more close to ZERO NADA than anything else.
But luckily this time I hadn`t spent much really, and I was still over 1200 pounds. So phew! I did good this time. But I see so many bring this up on Facebook every now and then, thought I`d give some support for those waking up this lovely Sunday morning to know that you are not alone lol and common you can do it: Check your bank accounts haha
Do you think checking your bank balance after a night out on the town is the scariest thing ever, or is it just me? 😛
Have a nice Sunday and good luck to you who was out yesterday and will find yourselves in my position very soon. hahaha.. It was so much easier in the old days before credit cards and people went out with cash in their pockets. If you didn`t get mugged you least saw what was going on and how little you had left to spend. Now that plastic has taken over we don`t have the total in front of us and who keeps track of it when the drinks take control and our mathematics skills starts sucking.
I came across this lady on tumblr who has made some funny cartoons about many girls little daily dilemmas. I recognized myself in a few of them. Do you recognize yourselves in some of her cartoons?
This is incredibly talented and cool artwork made by Tal Peleg. I like all of them and can`t possibly pick a favorite. I wonder how long it takes, love the coloring and shadowing laid on so perfect. It must take a steadier hand then I would have if I tried this.
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